Saturday 18 September 2010

Fluttering My Eyebrows

Sitting in Park Inn in Nottingham while L at OU. Guy on phone saying 'perhaps I should have fluttered my eyebrows at the ...'. Lovely substitution error.

Monday 6 September 2010

Out On A Limb

He goes out on a limb at work (4,7). TREE SURGEON. Colossus No. 204

Out On A Limb

He goes out on a limb at work (4,7). TREE SURGEON. Colossus No. 204. 59D.

Green Room

Place where inexperienced performers wait? (5,4). GREEN ROOM. Colossus No. 208. 42A.

In A Dream

They wander around in dream (13). SOMNAMBULISTS. Colossus No. 202. 47D.

Dressing Rooms

Where costumes and bandages are changed (8,5). DRESSING ROOMS. Colossus No. 202. 11D.


Sixth sense needed in teaching. Colossus No. 202. INTUITION. 65A.

Fair And Square

On the level with bazaar and plaza (4,3,6). Colossus No. 200. 1D.

Direct Order

Cast doubt upon Detective Inspector's direct order (9). DISCREDIT. Colossus No. 200. 80A.

Parking Space

Georgia takes parking space. GAP. Colossus No. 200. 62A.


Provide sweetheart with witty saying (5). EQUIP. Colossus No. 200. 41A

Pros And Cons

Professionals, together with prisoners, put forward both sides of the argument (4, 3, 4). PROS AND CONS. Colossus No. 206. 47D.

Best Men

They have the best men standing by them (11). BRIDEGROOMS. Colossus No. 206. 25D.

Centre Forward/Intent

Centre forward intent on seeing young beginner score (6). TWENTY. Colossus No. 213. 54D.


Fruit jam and apple-core book (8). Colossus No. 213. PRESERVE.


Tell sweetheart to follow later, for a change. (6) Colossus No. 213. Cryptic. 22A. RELATE.